I just heard that today a peaceful picket will be held at Dataran. The Perhimpunan Bersih is a movement that demands fair election or some shit which I don't care. Do I think that our polling system is polluted? Yes. However the other parties has no credibility to rule the country. They are just over hyped gibbering professional with their own hidden agenda. And I do think Anwar Ibrahim has his own agenda. He is one slithering motherfucker. And from what I read from the uncredible blogs, most of this Bersih shit came out in paranoia that Pak Lah will elect his son in law, Khairy Jamaludin to be his successor, which stepped on many toes, Barisan and opposition alike. Old people are just crazy. In my eye, Khairy is uninspiring and should I say pointless and bullshit? I mean seriously, Khairy as PM? Come on, guys! I, however still has faith in Barisan Nasional. They are the shiz.
Disclaimer: I am so not into this politic scene. Watching pot bellies and sagging tities is so not cool. I think politicians should be banned from TV coz they spoiled the idea of 'perfect people' in TV. Unless they are gorgeous. But then, most goegeous people are stupid. Labels: politik |