
keep it real! I'm front'n
Yasmin II
Ikmal Edris
Amad Eimang
Hati Batu
Izwan Azrul
© 2008 gdjock@yahoo.com
Friday, June 27, 2008

Its funny how words can make or break you. They can make you feel like you are on the top of the world and they can surely can kill you.

First of all, I am very skeptical about this counseling thing. You know, when someone pour their hearts out to a stranger, and then have the deepest secrets dissected and rendered theoretically into bits and pieces of action and consequences equation, with no clear answer offered. It is hard to bare yourself while parading your vulnerability and shortcomings to people we trust, yet alone people we only know professionally or people we barely knew.

Back in the college days, me and my friends were kind of people you don't have any expectation to. We were the laid back fun hunters who enjoy endless laughters and porn entertainments (movies, games, sports... you get my drift). We made fun of each other and then proceed to laugh like a bunch of brainless monkeys. Swell time...

There were times when I was with my friends, I lost my trackings and blurted out my worries. Sometimes I got ridiculed, while most of the time they offered encouragements. And slowly I retracted my creeping tentacles into my own shell and change the spotlight to other person. Auto-mode self defense.

Once, I got this words of encouragement from a friend I didn't expect to get the soothing words from. I don't really know what it was, but his words felt sincere and those words set me free.

Then there was this time when I was really fucked up, and I was just kinda casually tell this old buddy of mine about my trouble. While I expected him to ridicule me like he always used to, he offered encouragements and kind words to me.Instantly I was moved and soothed and my flickering will to live turned into a fiery spirit.

Just this afternoon I received a call from somebody's bigger than me. Somebody really REALLY important, whom I dearly respect and admire. I was down (no news there) and ready to give up, and she was really quick to pick it up. She blew words of strengths with her gentle voice, and it really hit my soft spots. I literally cried like, right there. After a few moments, I gathered myself, and I felt really relieved. She showed me the light I misplaced a long time ago and put things back into perspective.

For a guy who barely speak, I surely poured out everything today. This is like the first time I cry in like years, and I've never been happier. My eyes still swollen red and my nose is still running like a five years olds, but somehow, I feel 'lifted'.

SO to whoever that cared enough to read this thing, just remember to offer your ear for your friends' worries and lend your shoulder to cry on. You have no idea what a great favor it is. And to my dear kakak (you know who you are), I would thank you from the bottom of my heart, but for you my heart has no bottom.

God is great!

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~ Unknown

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~ Maya Angelou

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~ Thucydides

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